Friday, March 2, 2007

web tools, publishing redux and video?

i've been in the internet biz since the beginning, so i remember how difficult things like registering a domain name were. it's laughable how simple it all is now with tools to create websites. kind of reminds me of when desktop publishing started out and folks without any design sense were putting out hideous, unreadable newsletters. (think wired in the early days with dark backgrounds and thin, light type)

using the simple tools that came with my mac and a circa-2000 video camera, i created a dvd of my godson's arrival and baptism, among other cute and cudly subjects. now i want to do more--i see how video gets a point across more quickly. as an editor, i can appreciate that so i'm trying to adapt to new tools. thing is, apple's pro tools like final cut and especially dvd studio have become industry standard. now i'm having to deal with video specifics the simpler programs used to handle for me. not that i'm complaining, i had outgrown them.

on the one hand, it's great to be able to easily create and edit websites and blogs since they mimic my world of pictures and words, publishing, technology and of course people. (i'll get to them in later posts) on the other hand, the pro apps mimic their environments, which i'm not familiar with. i guess it makes sense, but that doesn't make me any happier since i still can't burn that final disc. ahhh the joys of learning something new.

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